What We Do
Image: Spring Drawdown in Kinbasket Reservoir, near Valemont
2011 to 2013

Spring drawdown in Kinbasket Reservoir
The Committee was very active in these early years including the following:
Submitted recommendations to the provincial and federal governments on the future of the CRT and potential solutions to domestic issues. Our recommendations are based on what we heard from Basin residents about the CRT. See Summary of Feedback from Basin Residents.
Made a number of presentations at events in the U.S. Pacific Northwest to educate U.S. citizens about the impacts of the CRT in B.C.
Partnered with the BC CRT Review Team to host and participate in two rounds of community meetings to learn about Treaty related and domestic issues from Basin residents. See Columbia River Treaty Review Public Consultation Report.
Held two strategic planning sessions with advisors.
Met with local governments in Idaho and Montana and attended Basin Conference in Polson, Montana.
Assisted the BC CRT Team to prepare A Review of the Range of Impacts and Benefits of the Columbia River Treaty on Basin Communities, the Region and the Province and Summary and with the design and implementation of the CRT Review Sounding Board.
Working with CBT, compiled a listing of the concerns of Basin residents and local governments in Summary of Canadian Dam and Reservoir Issues and sought government response on these issues.
The Committee was created in 2011.